Advisory Services

  1. Delivery Setup & Operations - The world of liquor product delivery by retail stores is relatively new and we've developed systems and relationships with vendors maximize performance. The primary subjects that we evaluate are fleet ownership & design, staffing & compensation, map & zone planning, scheduling and general strategy. We also leverage our unique relationship with sales channels and help both sides create the most symbiotic environment. During this all we are able to deploy both custom and off the shelf software and configure to also optimize your delivery department. Then we review and revise to continue to find the sweet spot - ultimately to reduce your cost while better satisfying your customer base; giving your company another strong channel of operation. All of these process and systems were designed in the process to become the a premier partner for delivery channels in the United States such as Drizly, CityHive, Winefetch and Bottlenose!
  2. Purchasing Consulting - One of the largest factors that dictate the success or failure of a retail liquor store is the cost at which the store can acquire their product. This challenge is ever worsening as big box retailers enter the market and squeeze profits. We've found too many stores that either buy with incomplete information, or worse ask their reps to prepare all of their PO's. We've designed and tested processes and systems to improve pre-purchase intelligence and in turn make better decisions. Our team is here to support you through that process.
  3. Offshoring & Automation - As stores look for more ways to gain an edge, one obvious limitation is the cost of labor. Many times we've found that their highly skilled (and corresponding high cost) labor force is being used for tasks that are well below their pay grade, but still meaningful to the operation. When possible we help implement automation to fill the gaps, but where not possible; we've put together a team of 16 offshore to take over some of these tasks. While this solution-set only helps a portion of the time, it free's up crucial bandwidth for your already important staff to increase their marginal value. Ask us for examples of how this has been leveraged in the past with our existing clientele.
  4. Online Marketing - Whether you can't afford a full-time marketing expert, or you have one, but feel behind the times we have both in-house and out-of-house resources to help. Most importantly we put strategy behind the theory to help create a plan that is not only measurable, but also can be "right-sized" over time and scaled into as comfort allows.
  5. And More... - While the above are the most frequent advisory products we've worked on with client liquor stores this year, there have been many "one-offs" and times where a specific problem arose. In over 20 years of consulting in other industries we have unique experiences to lend from those industries and enjoy the process to approach these challenges and find viable solutions. Let us prove it to you!